Love sms messages - 14
One day you will ask me what is more important to me you or my life i will say my life and you will walk out and leave me not even realising that YOU ARE MY LIFE!!!
If u love me like u told me, please b careful wiv my heart. u can take it just dont break it, or my world will fall apart!
If I had letters "hrt" I can add "ea" and get heart, If I add u then Id "hurt" but I rather choose u and get hurt than have a heart without u.
If u love me like u told me, please b careful wiv my heart. u can take it just dont break it, or my world will fall apart!
If u love me like u told me, please b careful wiv my heart. u can take it just dont break it, or my world will fall apart!
A coin is easy to earn, a friend is hard to find. The coin depreciates but a friend appreciates. I lost a coin when I texted you, but it's okay because I got you.
1st time i saw u i was scared 2 touch u, 1st time i touched u i was scared 2 kiss u, 1st time i kiss u i was scared to luv u, but now dat i luv u im scared 2 lose u!
Never rush in love for it never runs out. Let love b d one to knock at your door, so by d time u start to fall, u know that your feeling is for sure.
What is love? Those who don't like it call it responsibility. Those who play with it call it a game. Those who don't have it call it a dream. Those who understand it call it destiny. And me, I call it You.
If only those who knock at d door of my heart will become someone like u, I'll never have a second thought to open it and say "Come in and you are welcome to stay".
I thank God I'm rich not with money but with people like u. I may not have the most expensive things but I've got the most precious gem� a friend like u.
If luv s a disease den im very ill, but i dont want medicine, i wont take no pill, i will suffer dis illness coz it makes me see exactly how much u mean 2 me!
I prayed for a red bike, God gave me blue. I lost my old cap, He gave me new. I asked for a friend who will always be true. I prayed and prayed, till came you.
If u open my heart, guess what you are gonna see? It's you. True friends are hard to find so I kept you.
There are Tulips in my garden, there are Tulips in the park, but nothing is more be beautiful than our two lips meeting in the dark!
I believe that God above, created u for me to luv, He picked you out from all the rest, coz He knew id luv you the best!
if ur askin if id hurt u,da ansa is neva.if ur askin if i luv u,da ansa is 4eva.if ur askin if i want u,da ansa is i do.if ur askin wot i value most,da ansa is u.
Don't shed tears for someone who hurts u. Don't feel sorry if u fail when u do your best. U should not be stupid to fall in love for someone who's stupid enough to fall for someone as special as u.
True luv is hard 2 find, special 1, 1 of a kind, but the luv inside of me is true, it appeared d day i met you!