Love sms messages - 10
Common sense is common, but... the use of common sense is uncommon !!!!
Promises are like babies, easy to give hard to deliver.
You need Money to call someone Honey.
My girlfriend told me, I should be more Affectionate, so i got two Girlfriends.
We can see more Grafitti's in girls toilet , WHY ?
Because their both hands are free.
Definitions :
Home : A place where you can scratch where it itches.
Doctor : A person who cures the ills by pills,
and kills by his bills.
LOVE : Loss Of Valuable Energy
WIFE : Worries Invited For Ever
I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.
TaLk 2 me wHen i'm boReD, kiSS me wHen i'm saD, hug me wHen i cRy, caRe 4 me wHen i diE, loVe me When i'm sTill Alive...
It is not being in love that makes me happy... but is being in love with YOU that makes me happy.
It's hard to find someone whom you truly love, much less to find someone who loves you as much. When the chance comes, don't ever let go.
Cherish the person you love, never tell lies or attempt to hurt them because you won't know how important they are until they are out of your life...
Who cares whether this is a poem or rhyme, I will love you until the end of time...
A sMiLe tO pUt You On HiGh... A KisS To Set YoUr SouL ALriGhT... WouLd iT bE aLriGhT iF I spEnT ToNiTe BeiNg LovED bY YoU???
Never WasTe an OppOrtuniTy 2 sAy 'I LoVe U' to Someone u ReaLLy Like, Coz it is noT EvEryDaY u'll mEEt tHe PerSoN WhO hAs tHe MaGic 2 lEt u fAll iN love...
True love is like ghosts, which everybody talks about and few have seen.
Without humor, life sux. Without courage, life is hard. Without love, life is hopeless. Without friends like you, life is impossible!
FiRsT NiTe, FiRsT SiGhT, I SaW, I KnEw, LoVe's SwEEtEr ThAn MoUnTaiN DeW, A pRoMiSe I mAdE and' WiLL kEEp, 2 LoVe YOU aLwAys~
LovE is Not HoW LonG U've BeeN 2gEthEr; nOt HoW MucH U've GIvEn oR RecEivE; Not hOw MaNy TimEs U've HeLpEd EaCh OthEr --- Its HoW U VALUE EaCh OtHEr...